Business Voice Go

PIC Accounts Management

This menu allows you (Main/Authorised PIC) to create additional PIC accounts and modify created PIC accounts.
Only Admin PIC got access to this menu. Please contact Admin PIC, If needed to create New PIC and update the details of created PIC accounts.
To create additional PIC, click PIC Accounts Management menu option on left navigation bar and system would retrieve all existing PIC accounts and list the information in the table as shown in the screen. Please follow the steps shown below to manage the additional PIC account information.

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Add PIC Account
  • 1) Clickadd_circle_outline button to "Add PIC Account" and the PIC Info table would appear and PIC ID would appear (not editable).
  • 2) Enter the PIC Name (Max 17 characters), Mobile and Email Address (Max 30 characters).
  • 3) Then click "Submit". The system would create a new PIC account and email and SMS notification will be sent to New PIC Email and SMS with login admin id and initial password.
  • 4) For next PIC, click add_circle_outline button and key in as per 2 and 3.
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Modify PIC Details
  • 1) Clickcreate icon at the row of the PIC details that you wish to modify, "Modify PIC Details" popup would appear.
  • 2) Edit PIC Name, Mobile and Email Address.
  • 3) Then click "Submit" to update to the system. Only when update with new PIC Mobile and Email address, the system would send notification to updated PIC Email and SMS with login admin id and password.
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Remove PIC Account
  • 1) Click delete "dustbin" icon at the row of the PIC that you wish to remove, "Remove PIC Confirmation" popup would appear.
  • 2) Then click "Confirm" to update to the system. The system would remove the selected PIC account then email and SMS notification send to removed PIC contact to inform that the account has been removed.